"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)
Wow...I have gone through a plethora of emotions over the past few days. I've been fighting the urge to be angry, upset, and have tried hard to remember my God is in charge.
I have worked really hard this school year to make sure I have the GPA necessary to finally get into Upper Division. I had two classes online and 3 on campus this semester and I made sure I went to every class (unless I was sick), and I made sure I did every assignment. I especially did my best to keep up with my online classes and do my best there. One class I really expected to have a B in and I discovered I made a D...talk about shock! I was devastated. I started to truly freak out because with a D that means I really had to have an A in another class in order to get my GPA...well the class I thought I had an A in ended up being a B...once again shock...I've been praying and pleading to have an A in at least ONE class. Sometimes God has other answers to our prayers though, and after all of my grades have been posted I did not make an A in any classes, and I ended up making lower in a few classes than I expected.
I could continue to go through the plethora of emotions. I could get angry. However I came to a realization today that my emotions are coming from a fear that is unnecessary in my life. I have been striving to please my Mom in school...and even though I realize I am to honor my parents it is not them that I am supposed to please. It is my heavenly Father. My parents are not paying for me to go to school. My parents did not go to college. And as much as I know they want me to be finished and moving on to a career, I can only go on the timeline that God has planned for me. For some reason I am not where I should be in school right now, and I could get upset...but instead I will accept what God is giving me.
He has a plan. I have a fear that my Mom will get upset, will yell, will tell me she's disappointed...but ultimately her opinion does not matter. What I am doing for God matters.
I have sent an email to my advisor in the hopes to get special permission to get into an Upper Division class this coming semester, so I can still start my senior one in the spring and still graduate fall of next year (2011)...That is my prayer and my hope and I will continue to pray. But once again I realize even though I pray this, God may not have that same plan. I don't really know what His plan is. I don't know what Jesus is doing. I do know that He's going to continue to grow me and teach me to rely on Him for things in my life.
I am 16 days away from being in South Dakota with a new Summershine family and I am overwhelmed with excitement to see how God works this summer. The Mt. Rushmore KOA is still in the beginning stages of Summershine. We are still building the summershine foundation and I can't wait to see what we do this summer and what God does in showing the true name of Summershine. I am spending the next two weeks continuiing to cover myself in the dust of my Rabbi...I am excited, overwhelmed, and OVERJOYED with the things God continues to do in my life. Jesus is doing wonderful things...and I love my Jesus.
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