They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness. [Psalm 145:5-7]
Right now I'm doing the Beth Moore 90 day study through the life of Christ. I absolutely love it. I'm learning about our amazing savior from the time of his conception....to the resurrection. I'm amazed by how much our God loves us, that He's willing to come to earth in human form in order for us to live. Why in the world would anyone do that? Only out of amazing love under grace =)
The end of today's study had Psalm 145:5-7 written as a prayer...that we learn what God has done for us and that we never fail to meditate on His word....This excites me. Last weekend CCF went on our winter retreat and we had an amazing speaker, Dave Embree, who spoke on being a servant. It's like God is constantly reminding me lately to be a servant. To work for Him. To love Him. To be who He has created me to be. But before I can ever be who God has created me to be....before I can serve with a whole heart completely surrendered to God...I have to really get in the word....and learn.
Our women's ministry assistant likes to refer to "spiritual anorexia" a lot. God refers to His word as our nourishment. As our food. In life, we must eat in order to be well nourished and in order to go on day to day. If not we become anorexic...and eventually we die. This is how our life with Christ is. We become Christians....but we can not grow unless we continuously spend time in the word. I long for the craving of God's word like a new born baby craves milk. I want to constantly long for God's word in my life. I never want to forget what God has done for me...Where He's brought me from....Why I am here.
So I'm grateful for God coming to earth in the form of Man. I'm so blessed, as we all are, that I am saved by grace. I'm SO EXCITED that I'm studying right now the life of Christ--so I can learn what my Heavenly Father REALLY did for me. I want to be so intimately close with God that when I miss one day with Him I hurt.
As I am preparing to go to Arizona...I really need to be spending time in the word. Sometimes, I turn my computer into my idol and I forget to read my Bible...or I push it off and I say I'll read later....and I continue to push off reading until I don't read at all that day. Oh my goodness how much that must hurt God. I know how much I'm hurt when I'm pushed to the side by a friend--but God....the God of the universe....GOD loves me enough to send His only son for me to live and I can't give Him the time of day sometimes. Wow. Yet He still forgives me and still loves me. Man I don't deserve that at all. So...I really yearn right now to grow spiritually so that I'm prepared to serve...in Arizona...in NC...in this World. I want to live my life out daily so that people can see Christ in me.
So I know this seems a lot like a rant or rambling...but it's an overflow of the heart that my God reigns...and loves me. May I never cease to meditate on His word.
"You have God in the measure you desire Him..."