December 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Jesus....I'm so Glad it's Christmas....the REAL gift is YOU

I don't know if any of you remember this song...
happy Birthday Jesus
I'm So Glad Its Christmas
all The Tinsel And Lights
and The Presents Are Nice
but The Real Gift Is You.

happy Birthday Jesus
I'm So Glad Its Christmas
all The Carols And Bells
make The Holiday Swell
and it's All About You
happy Birthday Jesus
Jesus I Love You!

I remember hearing this on the radio all the time...I haven't heard it this year but I always think of it when Christmas comes around. It's a short song sung usually by a little kid...but it has such great meaning...Yesterday we celebrated a pretty awesome Holiday. Over the last 30 days we've all decorated our houses...put up our tree's and frantically shopped for gifts for the people who are important to us...but why? What is the significance of putting all these decorations up, only to take them all back down a month later...What is the significance of wrapping all these gifts...spending all this time looking for that perfect gift...only for it to be "over" in fifteen minutes. If it weren't for Christ we wouldn't have this Holiday at all.
I will admit my family did not go without this year...all you have to do is look at my pictures to see that we had plenty. The kids especially got a lot...and I believe everyone in our family got the ONE thing they wanted for Christmas at least...but how many times did we pause in the midst of opening gifts, and telling the kids "Santa" brought this stuff, to really think about what this Holiday is about? When I went to bed Wednesday evening all I could think of was the importance of Christmas day...and I woke up to the thought of what the Holiday was about...Jesus Christ...God in the form of man...but throughout the busy day I didn't stop once to think of this again.
My point isn't to condemn gifts on Christmas...or to have fun with the family and kids...I love my gifts...and I LOVED spending the day with my family--it was very precious to me. My family is very important to me, and spending time with them yesterday meant the world to me...but none of this would have been possible without Christ. I wouldn't be here. My family wouldn't be here. Life would have no purpose...but because of the great love of God coming to earth in the form of man...we have a reason to celebrate! We have perfect reason to enjoy love each give long as we remember the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ =)

1 comment:

SingToTheKing said...

I heard this song a few weeks ago!!!