August 05, 2010

An Apprenticeship with Christ

Every year Campus Christian Fellowship goes to Evansville, Indiana for the National Student Conference. I haven't gone in two years, because I was still doing Summershine last summer when they left. This year I didn't know if I could afford it, and what things would be in my way, so I didn't sign up for it, but yesterday I decided to go! Two days before we leave I decided I was going. I am so excited. God has been tugging at my heart all summer with things He has in store for me, and this is just another thing for me to continue growing and learning in the word. I'm excited for this conference. It's an opportunity to get together with other ministries from across the country and hear the anticipations they have for the school year. It's a time to learn how to be prepared to be a leader not only in your campus ministry, but on campus. It's a time of worship, of scripture, and of hearing God's voice in where He has you for the school year. So hear's to a 10 hour drive (over two days) to Evansville, IN...5 days and 4 nights in USI's dorm rooms....and a straight 10+ hour drive back. All to learn about God's plans as His disciples in the 21st century. Shalom!

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