July 11, 2010

I am Broken before my LORD


"And I know I'm WEAK I know I'm UNWORTHY to call upon your name. But because of GRACE, because of YOUR MERCY I stand here Unashamed...Here I am, at your feet, in my BROKENNESS COMPLETE"

Where to begin. God's teaching me a lot. He's teaching me of peace, and of surrender, and of what it means to be completely His. I won't go into detail from Beth Moore, but I will give a few of her quotes that have stuck out to me in the past week.

She spoke of Unbelief. Not necessarily NOT BELIEVING in God himself, but unbelief in His power and what He is capable of doing in HIS timing.
"When you cry out for help, let your collection of idols save you! The wind will carry all of them off, a mere breath will blow them away. But the man who makes me his refuge will inherit the land and possess this holy mountain. And it will be said: build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people!" Isaiah 57:13-14

One of the main things God desires for us is that there is no obstacle in our way of giving Him complete glory. In the times of kingship in the bible the rulers of the city would make their people make sure that the obstacles were removed from the paths of the Kings. If the kings passed by a city and they did not find it clean or approve, they would continue to pass over. The difference in this verse is that God is not commanding obstacles be removed for HIM he is commanding obstacles to be removed so that His people can come to Him. He wanted no obstructions hindering the journey of His people into His presence. He STILL wants NOTHING in our way!

I'm learning a lot from this. Truly God is teaching me what it means to make HIM my refuge and ONLY Him. I have continued over and over again to put my friends and people first before Him. I have continued to run to my friends. And He is slowly and painfully taking these things away from me. My friends are aware that I need to be growing in my walk with the LORD and are not responding to my cries for help. Not because they do not love me, but because they love me SO MUCH that they want me to desire ONLY the Lord. And I'm not going to lie, IT HURTS. But I HAVE to make God the ultimate refuge in my Life. I HAVE to absolutely run to Him in my times of need. And through prayer this will be what happens. Through discipline this will be what happens.

Everything is possible for him who believes. Beth Moore referred to Mark 9 where the father of the demon possessed boy cries out " HELP ME OVERCOME MY UNBELIEF"....He BELIEVED Jesus could heal his son and He recognized His own unbelief.

I am recognizing my unbelief in seeing that I don't trust God with everything. And he DESIRES EVERYTHING.

God is DESERVING of our trust in Him.

If we've discovered unfaithfulness in God we've either misinterpreted the promise, missed the answer, or gave up before God timed His response.

Christ is fully God. He can heal anyone or perform any wonder, whether the belief of the person is great or small. Christ asking us to believe in our ability to exercise unwavering faith. He is asking us to believe that He is able.

God always wills the spiritual captive to be free. God's will is for us to know Him and believe in Him, glorify Him be satisfied by Him, experience peace in Him, and enjoy Him. 

We tend to run to God for temporary relief. God is looking for people who will walk with him in steadfast belief.

We have to remove the obstacles in our life in order to glorify Him with our all. Pride is a huge boulder on the path to freedom. We have to humble ourselves.

I'm working on the humility. I have no idea what God has in store for me. I'm continuing in prayer in asking God to work in my life. And He is. I have shed many tears still. He truly is stripping me of everything so that HE CAN BE MY EVERYTHING.

He wants that from us all.

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