Does anyone else remember this game?
Tetris...I used to play it all the time when I was younger. Being an A.D.D kid it was probably the one thing I could focus on for more than a few minutes....I used to play this game for hours on end. Lately while I've been at work I have been playing it just because I've been bored...and I came across this strange revelation.
Call me a geek for connecting Christianity with a video game but I think it's actually a pretty cool revelation.
When you start off playing tetris you might start off doing really well. All the blocks will fit perfectly together...the lines are breaking down...things are going smoothly...then all of a sudden you get this block that does not fit. You start to get a cap between your blocks, and before you know it your tower is reaching the ceiling, thus causing you to almost lose the game...but WAIT. You get another block that breaks down like 10 of your lines. You're once again going smoothly.
I relate this to Christianity in the sense that a lot of the time in our Christian walk that's how it goes. Especially if we're new Christians. Things are looking up. Life's going smoothly. You and Jesus are tight...then all of a sudden things come a long that really start to hinder your relationship with God. Things don't quite fit into place...and you feel like you're defeated and losing...and then all of a sudden God reaches down and makes everything okay again. It might take a while. We might start to sweat and think we're really about to lose--but then it all becomes okay once again.
I guess I realized this when I was playing today and I was getting frustrated because I had all my blocks in place and then one came along that didn't quite fit...and so I started to do badly...
I think it's a cool revelation and I just thought I'd share it.
1 comment:
I like that idea about how something comes along that doesn't quite fit because that is very true as we understand the Bible more and more.
Case in point. how was Samson a man of God with everything he did?
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