September 04, 2008

The power of Prayer...and the power of love

The past couple of days I've been thinking a lot about the power of prayer...and the power of love. What is prayer? Prayer is a conversation with God. Talking with God where ever we are. Getting on our knees, or bowing our heads, or just coming reverently before God as we walk along. Prayer is an amazing tool we have. We can intercede for other people when they need us to. We can talk to God about anything. Yes...God already knows what we're going to say, but it's building a relationship with God. He loves us and He wants us to talk to Him. Prayer isn't just talking to God though, it's listening to what He has to say also. It's sitting reverently and hearing God tell us his answers to things...what He wants us to do or..NOT to do It's showing God that we LOVE Him and we want to spend time with Him. 

The power of Love....One of my favorite verses in the Bible, as most people know, is 1 John 4:8. "Whoever does not know God does not love, because God is Love" we belong to God...if we are fully His...we will have compassion and love for everyone, because God loves. It's a difficult thing to do sometimes. I know for's a huge deal for me. I don't always love everyone. I don't always love myself--and sometimes I have to spend a day to remind myself that I need to love ME. I'm not saying that in a vain or conceited way...I'm saying it in the sense that if I do not love myself--it's going to be really hard...almost impossible....for me to love anyone else. Love comes from knowing God and spending time with Him. Seeing His love, and then being proactive with that

I didn't get the chance to hear the bullhorn preacher on the mall yesterday--but I hear a lot about him. Mainly that he did not preach love, as most of them do not. I'm not judging every bullhorn preacher...I'm not going to say that I love any better than they do...I'm simply stating that if Love is not felt in the manner in which these preachers are trying to share Christ--no one is going to listen. A friend of mine told me that he didn't want to preach the "fluff" or "tickle" anyone's ears. He simply wanted to preach what the Bible said. The Bible is written by the creator of Love!!! God LOVES us unconditionally...His goal for us is not eternal damnation--He wants everyone to know and Love him as passionately as He loves US. Those who do not accept God will go to hell, yes, but that's never God's intention. Christians need to love. To share the hope of the gospel. To PRAY without ceasing. 

As the semester has started again...I want to cover our campus in prayer. Blanket it with the love of God. I don't know what will ever come from that, only God does...but it will require compassion for the people on our campus. I know CCF is huge on prayer walking...and at first I had a hard time with the prayer walk thing because I really felt like it got redundant after a while--however prayer can never be redundant. Prayer is powerful...and God listens to our hearts. If our hearts and minds are focused...God will answer our prayers the way He wants to. 

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