So I'm not a fan of "blogging"--I'm quite private. But I figured sometimes thoughts are meant to be known....in order to strike question, or conversation, or just so people might understand a person a little better. So here's to my first blog.
So within CCF we've just started a new thing called "2:42" groups. It's based on Acts 2:42--"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer"--We just started this week. There's several groups that meet throughout the week with about 7 or 8 people in each group. Our goal is to teach, fellowship, eat some ;), and to focus a lot on prayer. We want to keep each other accountable to the things God is doing in our lives...to build each other up in prayer and in fellowship....to enjoy each others company...and hopefully multiply beyond our groups into new groups. To bring people in....and serve the way God has called us to serve.
At first I was really apprehensive about the whole idea of the "2:42" groups--but after my first meeting tonight...I'm extremely excited. The group I'm in has a very diverse group of girls. Some are quiet, a few are shy, and a couple are really outgoing. Each of us has our own story--our own walk of life--and I'm excited to see how God is going to use each one of us to build each other up and further His kingdom.
I'm also excited to just see how God is working in my own life. God is completely moving. Part of CCF, including myself, is going to Globe, Arizona in two weeks to serve on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. We'll be working with Arizona Reservation Ministries and I'm so excited. This will be my second time going and God has certainly worked in my life enough to show me that I'm more ready this year than I was last year. Support has just flooded in for me to go...and my heart is drawn towards those kids on the reservation. I can't wait to see how God works through each of us--and in each child and their families--I can't wait to see how God changes the lives of the students in CCF--and breaks our hearts for the lost. Last night we had a group called "The Traveling Team" come and speak to us about missions and what it means to be a world Christian. They talked to us about being a missionary and going and doing what God has commanded us to do--I know that God has a great plan for all of us. I continue to wonder what I'm doing this summer....I feel like God has been tugging at my heart for the past year to really work for Him this summer and so my prayer is that something will come along that I can serve Him completely the way He has called. I have no idea what that entails--but whereever God calls...I will go
Okay so I didn't expect to write this much in one blog but when God moves, He moves ;)
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"~Matthew 28:19
Hey Brit, is it to late to help sponsor you? travis wants to read the letter you sent us again but we cant find it. any chance you can email me it?
I don't think it's too late...which email would you like me to send it to?
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