It's been a crazy Christmas break...but this Christmas was absolutely a blessing.
Two weeks ago today my Granddaddy went to the emergency room with Gall Stones...They sent him home, but by that Wednesday he had a fever of 103, and wasn't getting better.
I came home that Wednesday from school thinking I was done with Greenville for a bit, but that Wednesday evening Granddaddy was admitted into the hospital with a mass on his kidney that they found with a CT scan that night. From Wednesday until this past Thursday I was going back and forth to Greenville.
The mass, they were saying, they thought was cancerous. That is not news anyone wants to hear, especially not right before Christmas.
My Mom became very stressed out, and my Grandma was a little more than helpless. She and my Granddaddy have been Married 58 years (the Tuesday before he went to the hospital was their anniversary) and in those 58 years the most major thing he's had was chopping his finger off about 15 years ago.
He's 78 years old and insanely healthy.
The entire time all of this was going on, I think I was insanely calm. I think my calmness made my family a bit uneasy. I was calm because I knew that worrying would add nothing to the situation except more stress. I know that our God is sovereign, and whatever would be would be.
I know that my Granddaddy has lived a life that will always be remembered by many, and that when God chooses for it to be my Granddaddy's last day my Granddaddy will be rejoicing with His savior with great rewards.
Test after test, night after night, we were simply praying for Granddaddy to be home for Christmas.
Thursday not only did he get to come home, but he came home with news that the mass is not cancerous.
Praise the Lord! We not only got an amazing gift of having him home with us, but knowing that he's cancer free.
He has to go back to the Eurologist this Thursday to figure out what they will do about the mass, and they also want to talk about taking his Gall Bladder out...but things looked up =) and continue to look up.
God is definitely Sovereign and real.
Christmas was amazing. Christmas morning was so much fun as we watched the little ones open their gifts. I really didn't ask for anything this Christmas so whatever I received was fun =)
It was a joyous day and a joyous evening remembering Christ's birth.
Christmas evening my Grandparents came over and Granddaddy read us the Christmas story. I couldn't stop smiling. It was a blessing to have my family together, rejoicing in the truth of my Savior. Whether my whole family believes, or not, I think this Christmas made them believe just a little more.
God is working in my life in some pretty amazing ways. I finished this semester on the Dean's list, which I don't think I deserved...and I'm home enjoying relaxation with books and knitting and rest.
Before coming home I was able to have a night with one of my closest friends. We watched movies and she stayed over and we talked a lot about current things...and I decided to make a change in my life. It seems I have always tried to plan my life, I have always tried to be in control. I have told God he has control but...I've always wanted to hold on a little bit. So the next year of my life (or more) is completely God as he completely purifies me, and makes me His. I want to give everything in my life, in my future, to Him.
And He's already doing a lot. He's teaching me so much...He's already pruning me and cleansing me and really making me see Him for who He is.
He's teaching me patience and He's teaching me what it means to allow Him control of EVERYTHING.
I pray that God teaches me every day something new.
Here's to the future...Here's to in the moment with my Savior who is absolutely sovereign and absolutely real.
Merry Christmas all! And Happy New Year when it arrives =)
O and did I mention we woke up yesterday morning to 13 inches of snow?