March 27, 2010

God is charge

It's been an interesting interesting journey through where God has been leading.
When I started college four years ago I had this dream to be finished in four years. In other words...I should be graduating next month.
God had other plans. Plain and simple. Or maybe not so plain and simple.
I didn't do what I needed to do my freshman year. I wanted to have fun. I never got drunk. I never partied. But I wanted to hang out and enjoy my friendships. That unfortunately hurt me.
I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.
God, however, has a great plan.
I found out a couple of weeks ago that I am here for another year and a half. I won't be starting my internship until next spring.
That at first was hard to hear, but God really placed a peace over me and said "I know what I am doing! Give ME control!"...I now realize no matter how frustrating it may seem...God is in complete control.
This summer I had a plan of being in Williamsburg again.
Once again He has other plans.
Instead of sending me 2 1/2 hours away to my comfort zone...
He's sending me over a thousand miles away to Mt. Rushmore South Dakota.
Three months in the glory of God's creation.
Three months serving God in the mid-west...seeing his beautiful creation ALL AROUND ME and meeting people I may not otherwise encounter.
I'm ecstatic. I have this grand opportunity to go and serve God in a place I never would have thought of going.
My life is His.
My future is His.
I have absolutely NO IDEA where He has me in 5 years...10 years..NEXT year...I only know that where ever He leads I have to follow. He is the God of the universe. He created me. He created all of us and His plans are far greater and way more important than anything else.
The world tells me to finish school in four years...and to think clearly...and to do what the world would do on the worlds time line...God tells me otherwise.

How great is God how BEAUTIFUL is his call.
How EXCITING is His plan!