I can't begin to say how much of a blessing this summer has been. When I started this summer I never would have thought I would absolutely LOVE living with four other girls who I now call amazing friends and sisters. I never thought I could smile about cleaning, or working early and then late. I never thought I could do customer service! But then again, it's not me who has done these things...it is God! He deserves all glory, honor, and praise. This summer is a summer I will never forget.
I arrived May 22, and started working May 23. I injured myself the first day on the job, but survived =). I met amazing families who I will never forget. I received hugs and smiles from the coolest kids I have ever met, and from their Mom's as well.
I laughed about the silliest things...I talked about the most serious things....and I learned what it means to be vulnerable. I learned how to let God truly have control. This summer Mary (the assistant activities director) and myself prayed that God would soften my heart and teach me to really show myself through ways I haven't been able to do before. Since that prayer I have cried...a lot. I have opened myself up, given my testimony in front of complete strangers, and given God glory for it all. Nothing I have done this summer was about me...it was all about God. The summershiner's in Williamsburg could have never been the amazing team we were if it weren't for God.
From the first night we arrived we were already comfortable with each other. We knew and understood each other's personalities (for the most part) and we really united as a team serving God.
This campground wasn't always the easiest to work on. It wasn't always easy to take criticism or go 20 million different ways in one day...it wasn't always easy to take blame for things that weren't your fault...it wasn't always easy to get yelled at by irate campers...but it was easy to let God be the center...and it was easy to let Him shine through. Our prayer each day was simply to be the light God called us to be. "The sun never sets on a summershiner" has been our quote the entire summer...and in the middle of the summer we changed "sun" to "son"--because God's light will never set on us. We came to serve and our job is never complete.
This week Liz leaves on Tuesday and that leaves Mary and myself...I leave next Saturday (the 15th) to go back to NC, which is going to be the hardest thing I have had to do in a while...Mary will be by herself here for 15 days and then I will come back September 1st to help for Labor day.
God has blessed all of us this summer in ways we never expected. He built us into a family and our bond is so strong not even Satan can break it. We love each other and the relationships that God built here will only continue to grow because of the bond we have as brothers and sisters.
My prayer is that we will all continue to have our hearts and minds open to what God has to say to us. Wherever he leads we will follow. Whatever He asks of us we will do. We must remember that just because we leave the KOA and we aren't wearing yellow on our campuses or job sites, we are still shining the light of Christ to people all around us. The world is our camp ground!
Guys never close your hearts and ears to God...He has a lot to say...and you'd be surprised at how much you are willing to do!